Patti Hale
6954 Laurel Cherry Dr
Rockford, IL 61108
(815) 395-8503
Neala Jensen
660 Patriots Close
Rockton, IL
(815) 624-0111
Jenny Keip
129 S. Phelps Ave. #327
Rockford IL 61108
(815) 988-3021
Specializes in teaching young children and beginners
but also teaches intermediate, classical or contemporary
(modern rock and jazz) piano with a theory based approach.
Merle Langs
2866 Cotswold Cir
Rockford, IL 61114
(815) 713-7613
Dianne Londo
12432 Whispering Winds Dr
Roscoe, IL 61073
(815) 623-8512
Sharon Mazurek
1112329 Ayrshire Lane
Loves Park, IL 61111
(815) 885-2285
Mike Roberts Music Studio
Guitar - Vocals - Bass Guitar - Drums
(815) 505 2406
Jea Yi
9545 Henninger Dr
Belvidere, IL 61008
(815) 544-4614